
Go go go

EcoLabs, with the support of London College of Communication,
presents a panel discussion at the London Design Festival 2007:

The Greening of Illustration & Design
6:30pm, 20 September 2007
London College of Communication

How illustrators and designers rise to the challenge of communicating the
most essential messages in an era of environmental crisis is on the agenda
of this cross-disciplinary panel discussion. Moderated by author and event
producer John Thackara.

Confirmed panellists include:
Lloyd Anderson - Science Director, British Council
Sophie Matthews - Designer, Thomas.Matthews
Jody Barton - Illustrator

As creative communicators we are in a position to help to change attitudes
- working towards ultimately changing behaviour patterns, policies and
systems. Here is a challenge for designers and illustrators: visualize a
better low energy future. We used to see visions of the future with jet
packs and monorails. Now we need to mainstream a picture of a more human
sized, earth connected and energy realistic future.

This event marks the launch of EcoLabs, a non-profit ecological literacy
initiative. EcoLabs intends to create a platform for collaborate projects
that use the skills in design to address environmental issues directly.
Founded by graphic designer and design writer Jody Boehnert, EcoLabs is
actively looking for collaborators, members, advisors and trustees.

For tickets please register at: www.eco-labs.org

Tickets cost:
£7 / Students
£10 / NGOs
£15 / Others

It is essential to book your ticket online in advance of the event.

Jenny Clarke
Marketing Officer
School of Graphic Design
London College of Communication

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