
you know you want to

Dear Friend,
Last week I asked you to get your friends involved in our campaign to stop global warming and you responded: more than 70,000 people have joined in the last week alone. That's simply amazing and shows that there is immense support behind our call for solutions to the climate crisis. Today we are just 76,000 short of reaching our goal of 1,000,000 members by April.

You can help put us over the top. Right now I need you to forward the email below to everyone you know and ask them to get involved.

More than 924,000 people have already joined us, but if we are going to succeed we need to reach 1,000,000 by April.

With your help, we'll reach this goal and send a powerful message to the world. Please ask your friends to get involved today: http://wecansolveit.org/invitealliance

Thank you,

Al Gore

P.S. You can donate to our efforts here: http://www.climateprotect.org/donate You can unsubscribe from future emails here.


Dear Friend,

The world's scientists are calling for immediate and urgent action on global warming. The good news is that we have the science, technologies and policies necessary to stop it. What's needed is action by concerned people like you and me.

That's why I've joined with Al Gore and others across the country and around the world who want to halt global warming.

We're on the verge of being over one million strong and I'm asking you to join us. Please click here today to become part of the solutions to global warming: http://wecansolveit.org/alliance

We need to come together and demand our leaders take the steps necessary to ensure our children and their children have a positive future. That's why I'm asking you to get involved today:


Together, we can stop global warming.


My first award

This is a slide from an amazing day organised by CoaST www.coastproject.co.uk that happened on 13/03/08. Leap was asked to run a taster workshop on communicating the green and ethical message - tools and tone of voice, this was co-hosted by Jez Prins of www.hardworkingwords.co.uk a good session, way larger group than expected. And the discussion kind of got off tangent, with views on how the ICT sector is already surpassing the aviation industry on a co2 level to do we really need brochures! But we said what was needed to be said and it is mainly about make sure you say what you do and say it as you...not Innocent unless you are Innocent!

I hope so because I love paper.

The slide was for a 5 minute to show talk on winning awards and accreditations - marks of distinction, authenticity and benchmarking yourself. The Blue Peter badge was won when I was 7 or so and has always appeared on my cv. Mainly because cv's are humorless...:)


we are still here

It's true... been very quiet on the blog.. not so in the studio. Lots of change, 3-4 weeks for the new website, Gary and I have been talking jute and meeting jute in Kolkata, India. We're doing lots of talks and have won or been gifted with some really nice new clients recently. As well as lots of returning clients. We've got some new team members, in for some awards and doing some more talks. Clare is running the studio mostly now too so I can do more creative malarkey. Which is ace because I'm pap at paper work unless I'm designing on it.

Latest project just delivered this afternoon, identity and stationery for Hab Housing which is run by Kevin McCloud of TVs Grand Designs fame amongst other accolades.

more to come, promise soon. trying to keep these short .. er...