
Another Leap

So far in our 2 year history we've done alot of varied projects, utilising, recycled paper, christmas decorations from recycled materials, pitch pine dredged from the Thames, solar interactive signage and our latest creations are above you!

It seems we've turned into a sustainble trophy design agency! After winning one award and being SME finalist in 2005 at the Cornwall Sustainability Awards, Leap was asked if we would sponsor the 2006 CS Awards, which of course we did (even though it meant we couldn't enter) through design. We designed everything, logo, paper based graphics, certificates and to top it off we tried our hand at making an award that would have a story and create conversations.

To do this we called in our long time super signage creating company Parc and between us we designed the 'flame or leaf' like awards made using local Yew from Heligan Gardens, recycled banknotes set in a resin made from melted car headlamp lenses, off cut acrylic and recycled PVC. Now how much fun is that, and marketing manager for Cornwall College Business, Tracey Johnsons (who organised the awards) commented:

Oh my god they are so sexy!!!!! Thank you so much.

Ok, I wouldn't call them sexy more distinctive.

And at the award ceremony, they were liked so much that local promo company Ecoincentives commissioned us to design and produce a further 16 in partnership with them for the Environment Agency, 6 for their recent Water awards (see close up above) and 10 for an award ceremony in July (still to be designed). Our paper based design days could be numbered ..tee hee:) which my girlfriend will be really happy about as she'll actually see me.

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