"Truro Cathedral is behind a campaign to get Cornwall's voice heard at the next Climate Summit due to take place in Copenhagen in December. An open meeting has been convened at the Cathedral on
Friday 9th October at 7.30pm in order that the voice of the ordinary people of Cornwall can be heard. Please tell as many people as you can about this event, there will be guest speakers and a chance to view the supporting exhibition."
A Cornish Declaration has been drafted that states:
We the people of Cornwall and our visitors, pledge to ensure that our families and our communities will survive to freely enjoy the bounty and beauty of Cornwall
We pledge:
- to strive to restore the balance between nature and society
- to strive to lead sustainable lives
- to strive to leave positive footprints on the path to Copenhagen and into the future
We want Cornwall to be part of a planet which lives within its means.
At Copenhagen in December 2009 we want the Prime Minister and his Ministers to forge an agreement amongst all nations to keep the increase in temperature of this planet to below 2 degrees C.
Please goto: http://www.trurocathedral.org.uk/hot-topics/hot-topics.php to sign the pledge.