
The same but different

It's not rolled out yet but attached are two images showing the new Leap logo. It's the same in everyway except the rings are now full of stuff that represents us, our love of life and fight to protect what is around us. The logo contains everything from a mammoth (downer side, extinction), surf board, spray can (I used to do the odd wall spray), bottle of cider (always my main social drink), pencil, eco-bulb, birds, waves, a goat (for my pal and Eden Project boss Ben Luxton for the 3 years I worked there - he has an un-natural love of all things goatish), bicycles and so much more. Each with a positive and occassionally negative meaning but all on a common theme about what Leap and its people are about.

Its also to show that Leap is so much more than graphics, print and consultation, it's everything, the way we talk, interact, act, enjoy and of course create.

I hope you like it as much as we do.

(right back to my nippers now, food and play then a walk to the beach..perfect)