
New :)

Born 22 June 2006, 7lbs 13oz in a 3 hour push of a water birth session, with some Chris Coco playing in the background, this is Gracie, our new fantastically beautiful addition! We're having a couple of days of chill time and then we'll be back riding sustainable design wave again.


Paper for life

Now I don't know if this is the way to go, but I personally love paper, or recycled paper to be exact. I love new & old books, the turn of a 'real' page, my surf mags by the toilet, my Design Week through the letter box. Now admittedly this could save some paper and landfill space....but I think it's going to be for some and not for others!


Imagine curling up on the couch with the morning paper and then using the same sheet of paper to read the latest novel by your favorite author. That's one possibility of electronic paper, a flexible display that looks very much like real paper but can be re-used, over and over again. The display contains many tiny microcapsules filled with particles that carry electric charges bonded to a steel foil. Each microcapsule has white and black particles that are associated with either a positive or negative charge. Depending on which charge is applied, the black or white particles surface displaying different patterns. In the United States alone, more than 55 million newspapers are sold each weekday.


We will mostly be plate spinning this week...

We're about to embark on a week of plate spinning!

So what's on the agenda? 1 baby due on 14/06/06, all our Wiltshire gear goes into storage on 15/06/06. On the same day we've been shortlisted to pitch for the Renewable Energy 4 Devon 2 year project; it's us and one other agency. And we're also in talks with Eden Project to see if we can base ourselves there for the summer. I'd like to have Leap at Eden for the summer as it will be a little full circle journey back to where the idea for Leap was conceived. Oh, and on top of that our two Burmese studio cats, Monkey and Dude, (no graphic talent but good foot rests), don't have a home for the summer. Fingers crossed that something will turn up this week.

So you can see it's all zoom zoom, and there's all the other weekly work to sort as well, and we're mid way through writing a presentation for our Sustainability Day that we are doing for South West Tourism and some of their supply chain.

And the reason for moving...we're going to Cornwall for a short time/long time. We're buying a home with an external office, (if all goes well), we're putting in for an Unlocking Cornish Potential (UCP) graduate to help do more stuff with our website and support our existing designers. We've also contacted Cornwall Enterprise and ActNOW to see how they can help Leap grow in the right way, (sustainably of course).

So you can see why I say plate spinning!

We move to Cornwall on 17/06/06